Our NJ water booster pumps provide you a solution to your low-yield, low-pressure well problems.


NJ Water Booster Pumps – Get the Water You Need When You Need It From Your Existing Water Well!

With our NJ water booster pumps, even the poorest performing wells in NJ can be made to deliver consistent water pressure for your entire building and its occupants.

The innovative pumps, valves, and tanks on our systems allow your well to perform at unprecedented levels without ever overpumping or damaging the well.

With Well Manager’s well water solutions products, you will find the perfect system for your well regardless of the size or type of well you have.

Well Manager’s New Jersey water booster pumps are a solution to your low-yield, low-pressure well. The products are self-contained and are ready for pickup in NJ, a cost savings on shipping! With our DIY installation and phone support throughout the installation process, you will be able to increase your water pressure and have a consistent supply of water from your well.

If you have water pressure problems or low water pressure, find out more about the Well Manager products which are designed to give you constant pressure all day, every day from your existing water well.

Call Well Manager (800) 211-8070 to find out which Well Manager products are right for you!

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Well Manager proudly manufactures its products in our Hopewell, NJ facility.

Well Manager Products

Low Water Pressure Well


Well Manager systems come in three sizes, including one that will fit through a 24” door and requires a little more space than the pressure tank it replaces.

Well Manager is used to create a reliable water supply, providing amazing performance for wells that yield as little as .25 Gallons Per Minute using a fraction of the storage required by other systems.

Increase water pressure


The Well Watcher is a 210-gallon water storage system built on the same platform as the Well Manager but is offered at a lower price point than the Well Manager.

Much like the Well Manager, Well Watcher enhances the performance of low-yielding wells and provides consistent water pressure while protecting the well and keeping as much water in the ground as possible.

Booster pump with pressure tank


Improve the performance of very low-pressure wells, which are hampered by undersized or intermittent water service or by complicated or inadequate water treatment equipment. It also improves the performance of wells and springs that are poor producers. If you have a low-pressure well, don’t turn to a well driller first! The ConstaBoost Booster Pump System may be all that you need.

A ConstaBoost unit can be combined with an existing tank storage to make a system that will provide a constant water supply to a building that has intermittent service and will improve pressure and flow in a building supplied by a water pipe too small to carry the required peak demand flow rate.

Water pressure booster


Due to the increasing demand for improved water quality, many people turn to large, reverse osmosis (RO) systems. While RO systems filter out harmful contaminants, these types of systems may cause water pressure issues.

Well Manager’s RO Re-Pressurization System can solve problems caused by undersized or intermittent water service or complicated water treatment equipment.  To improve water volume and pressure, customers install our RO re-pressurization system.

NJ – Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

1). What is a low yield well?

A low yield well is one that cannot maintain adequate water levels to meet your household or business needs without over pumping, which is what happens when water is drained out of a well quicker than it flows into that well. This puts excessive wear on your well pump and can lead to premature failure.

It is possible for a well to produce sufficient yield during ordinary times only to be overtaxed during times of increased water demand, such as over the holidays when more people are using the water, in the summer when you are filling your pool or watering your lawn or garden, or if you have a business which requires a higher demand for water at peak times due to your business operations. 

There are self-contained products with DIY installation available to provide you with the water you need when you need it. 

2). What is considered a good yield from a well?

The answer to this question depends on the daily usage demands for your well. Typically, 5 gallons per minute is considered a sufficient yield for a well. However, while that yield may be adequate for an average family using their well water for typical activities like cooking and bathing, it could be inadequate for a larger family or a business that depends on its well for additional uses, such as an irrigation system.

If you have a low-yielding well, there are self-contained product solutions with DIY installation available from Well Manager


3). Can I improve the water pressure in my house even if I have a low yield well?

Yes! There are number of methods for increasing or improving the water pressure in your house even with a low yield well. Some solutions are more environmentally favorable or cost-efficient than others. Options include:

  • Hydrofracking – a process that involves creating fractures in the bedrock to allow more water to seep into the well.
  • Digging additional wells – this may or may not resolve the problem based on the available water in your area.
  • Installing water storage tanks – additional or larger water storage tanks can increase the volume of water stored and, in turn, provide more consistent pressure.
  • A consistent water-flow systemthese products allows for a continual draw on your water during off-peak times to restore water levels to meet your needs during high water usage demand.

Not sure which well water solutions system is right for you?

Contact Well Manager to consult with a representative who can review the benefits, costs, and options available. Get assistance from an experienced water solutions expert today!