Top Reasons to Avoid Manually Adjusting Pressure on a Well Pump

May 29, 2024 | Low Water Pressure

Many people face issues with their well systems without understanding the underlying problems. This lack of knowledge can lead to frequent disruptions in daily life, such as inconsistent and low water pressure, unexpected outages, and potential damage to home appliances.

While it might seem tempting to tackle these problems by adjusting settings on your own, this approach often leads to more harm than good. Adjusting the settings is a short-term fix that can mask deeper issues. Our professionally designed systems offer real, long-term solutions. Here are the top reasons to avoid doing this work alone.

Low water pressure well system

Adjusting Well System Settings: More Complicated Than It Seems

  • Lack of Technical Knowledge– Attempting to adjust your well system settings without proper technical knowledge can lead to issues that might not be immediately apparent but can cause significant long-term damage. Setting the pressure too high can cause the pump to cycle excessively, wearing it out prematurely and causing it to fail unexpectedly. This disrupts your water supply and can lead to costly repairs or replacements. Conversely, setting the cut-out pressure too low might result in insufficient water pressure in your home, making daily tasks frustratingly slow and inefficient.
  • Safety Hazards– Working on a well system involves electrical components and pressurized equipment, which pose serious safety risks if not handled correctly.
    • Electrical Risks:Working with electrical components can be dangerous if you are not trained. Incorrect handling can lead to electric shocks or even fires. Failing to disconnect the power supply before adjusting the pressure switch can result in electric shock, potentially causing severe injury or even death.
    • Water Pressure Hazards:Improper adjustments can lead to dangerously high water pressure, which might cause pipes to burst or fixtures to fail. Over-pressurized pipes can burst, causing water damage to your home and potentially leading to expensive repairs and damage to personal property.
  • Creating New Problems– DIY adjustments can often create new problems instead of solving existing ones, complicating the situation further. Adjusting settings without considering the system’s overall balance can lead to overstressed components, resulting in leaks, bursts, or mechanical failures. Increasing the pressure without adjusting the differential could cause the tank to overfill, leading to potential water damage in your basement or utility area.

Common Pitfalls of DIY Adjustments

  • Misdiagnosis of Issues:Without a proper diagnosis, you might end up treating the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of the problem.
  • Overlooking Root Causes:DIY adjustments often address symptoms rather than the root causes of well system issues. This can lead to temporary fixes that mask underlying problems. Adjusting the pressure switch might temporarily improve water pressure, but if the real issue is a failing pump or a clogged pipe, the problem will soon return, often worse than before.

Give Your Water Pressure a Boost: Say Goodbye to Low Water Pressure

At Well Manager LLC, we understand the complexities and challenges of maintaining a well system. For over twenty years, we have been providing tried-and-tested solutions that keep your water running reliably with strong pressure without fail. Our systems are designed to address the root causes of well system issues, ensuring you enjoy consistent and efficient water pressure in your home.

By choosing Well Manager LLC, you opt for long-term, professional solutions that safeguard your well system and provide peace of mind. Avoid the pitfalls of DIY adjustments and trust our expertise to keep your water system functioning smoothly and effectively. Let us take care of your water needs so you can focus on enjoying uninterrupted, reliable water pressure every day.